Thursday, November 29, 2007

angels have big feet

miracles are happening

let them happen to you
we are all divine beings
being = to be. we are BE ing.
human beings. beings. think about that word for a bit.
you can't say miracles don't exist when we are miracles ourselves.
this lifetime isn't our last...maybe, thought, our last with eachother. each. other.
but guess where we can go from here???????????????? up

or down.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

mia isn't the only one using her IMAGINATION

my mother is on a hunt to find out where all the dryer sheets went off to

little does she know that winter is coming

and i can't spend all my time smoking outdoors

just blow the TOBACCO smoke into my new friend, David Blowie, and stuff the end with dryer sheets, and it smells like spring time!

(and apparently these have been around since the dawn of time, but HOW did i not know about them until this week?)

so phil and i have decided that, for the rest of this lifetime to go smoothly, miss lunch will have to fall in love with me. then i can move to arizona, with phil, and we can be a hilarious offbeat sitcom.

think about it? we could golf and wear those hats with the poofball on top while mia and lindsey sunbathe and drink dry martinis-
every. freaking. day.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


art never surprises me but always amazes me

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Black Friday?

now get this song out of my head

Monday, November 19, 2007

i have made a festive holiday medley concoction:

You must be 21+ (or soon to be so)


1.) One miscellaneous yet popular Mocha or Coffee Flavored iced cappuccino, bottled sans foam and with low fat milk, correctly pasteurized and carefully marketed.

2.) 100 proof Rumpleminze Peppermint Schnapps

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

play it safe!

safety meetings are really boring
good thing they are far away, approximately 2.3 burns per ride

time to go to classss

Monday, November 12, 2007

walls abandon shape

my life is too cluttered. if you know me well you know that i have a tendency to take on too many projects at once: school, work, studio shit, being a baller, so much to do and so little time...and 90% of the time i can handle it. i like it actually. what i never do though is give myself time to recharge, taking on newer and bigger projects in its stead.
so now i am stuck with all this bull corn ass work and am slacking off in almost every aspect. i am almost too good at dealing with stress, to the point of ignoring it. fuck springtime, what i need is some winter cleaning before i start craving drastic change...and certainly before mr. seasonal affective disorder kicks in and i turn back into some overly introspective emo fag (oh, it's already started, all weekend my thoughts kept returning to BEING ALONE FOREVER)

but at least i figured out some gifs, ya yah?
EDIT: So the gif works, but blogspot - of course - doesn't. i think you can see what it's supposed to look like if you click on the image. i guess it's nothing special anyway. my cello currently only has 3 strings on it for fuck's sake.

what's the point of instruments-
words are a sawed off shotgun

Friday, November 9, 2007

carry on my wayward soooon

I have decided to take out a ridiculous amount of college loans until I am out of school (which will be 10 years later), and by the time I have to pay them back - I assume - I'll be dead or the apocalypse will occur or our economy will collapse and I wont have to pay anything back.

Thank God for Craig's List, as I am think I have stumbled upon an amazing deal on a new, performance worthy cello...which I want to take to south carolina and get a pick-up installed....make it a sweet as percussive-stringed-kick your ass instrument. that is neat.

i still can't figure out how to get this .gif the way i want it...maybe later

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

you don't have to go to college

I think I have decided to make w&bing a part of my life, at least on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (the days I have English).

I want to try to make a gif picture but i don't think this computer knows how to do that...
maybe later

i take my timeeeeeeeee

the kid next to me uses his inhaler a lot, and i see him outside smoking cigarettes all the time

inhalers are fun though, they taste like nasal spray smells HA

Sunday, November 4, 2007

isn't it strange to be any thing at all?

just to let everyone know where i stand with my spiritual beliefs--( because becky and i realized...after eating some quite intoxicating mushrooms and talking for 4 hours...the values of having a belief system and the purpose of such a belief system in regards to the psychological aspects of communication )-- i do believe in God, and after 20 years i can say that comfortably. i believe Jesus was the son of God, and am willing to explore this belief system openly. it's the way i was raised, and i don't think it is a bad place to start. obviously i'm not like my parents, but when i meditate with God in mind i feel peace, and i'd like to take a while (maybe a lifetime) to explore that peace instead of vulgarly analyzing it. Christianity + Hippie Values = Stress Free Ajay, just deal with it for now.

like a chariot at the trumpet call
when we're all unsaved
like a wrecking-ball, like the heart of God
what a mystery
come and carry us
come and marry us to the blushing circus king
now He's one of us, plays the tambourine
break the bread for us and sing
will you wait for us?
will you stay for us?
will you grace us everything? you're a wrecking-ball
with a heart of gold
we will wait for it to swing
like a chariot, swing it low for us
come and carry us away
so we will become:
a happy ending

Friday, November 2, 2007

Today in English I learned -

College Journalism is the same as "Intellectual" Gossip.

You don't have to read the text - we don't usually talk about it anyway.


Apparently, my 21st birthday party will last approximately 2 weeks...and is going to be a transcontinental event.

I can't wait for the hungover plane ride home from Arizona, with Emily and probably many children.

I cannot wait to see the noooon again, and have bitsy meet her long lost uncle-ajay.

can anyone else tell i woke and boked today?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

i believe in plants and simple treasures

sometimes you want to smoke flavored tobacco, but you don't have a pipe, so you have to be creative.

it was a happy halloween :)