Tuesday, September 25, 2007

more police corruption

i don't think the police have been militarized enough yet. i won't feel safe until everyone gets physically punished by multiple police officers (who work for the government and not the people btw) whenever they..ask...a...question? see yet another video here
of course he is going to resist, they were violating him and his rights. six officers kneeling on the guy wasn't enough to contain him though...he had SUPERPOWERS, FUCKING RUN.

the thing that bothered me most about this though were the comments on the page, especially those made by "former law officers" and the like.

"I say Taser him again for the heck of it."

"Do what the police ask and you won't get tased. What a crybaby!"

"The officers should get an award for not losing their tempers. I think they handled it great."

"It was a last resort used by the officers and in my mind, absolutely justified."

"The guy got tased so what, maybe next time a police officer tells him to do something, maybe he will comply or maybe he will get tased again."

and my favorite, by a twat who calls herself christy, "Even though they had him on the ground, he still was not cooperating. He deserved to be tasered. If cameras and people weren't around, he probably would have gotten an ass whoopin'!!!!!!!"

Basically, America is fucking doomed not because of the corrupt government, or those bastards we call the police. we are doomed because AMERICA IS MADE UP OF STUPID FUCKS, and as long as they aren't the ones being tased...well..they think it's still their country.

sick to my stomach now.

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