Monday, December 17, 2007

feelin capricorny


3 out of the way, all i have left to do is ace this bio final tomorrow and then write an 8 page paper before Wednesday and I'm DONE.

Listening to my for horoscope today though, it's nuts:

Finally after last week you are in good physical shape, you should get some exercise instead of wasting your energy! Emotionally, you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The time for self-pity is over. There is just one more hurdle to pass...
Intellectually, your brain is in stand-by mode. The time for creativity is over, now on to more analytical things.

Uh, now in the context of my appendix wanting to come out, and my depressing ass posts the last few days, and the last final I have to take...that is ridiculously accurate.

In other news, I am switching my voter registration over to republican so I can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries, and you should too. He is exactly what this country currently needs...someone who actually opposes war and the federal reserve (Don't worry, he's secretly a libertarian).

Instead of a picture, today I will post Ron Paul facts:

Ron Paul is a constitutionalist.

Ron has never voted to raise taxes.
Ron has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
Ron has never voted for the Iraq War.
Ron has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
Ron has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
Ron has never voted to raise congressional pay.
Ron has never taken a government-paid junket.

Ron voted against the Patriot Act.
Ron votes against regulating the Internet.
Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA.
Ron votes against the United Nations.
Ron votes against the welfare state.
Ron votes against reinstating a military draft.

Ron votes to preserve the constitution.
Ron votes to cut government spending.
Ron votes to lower healthcare costs.
Ron votes to end the war on drugs.
Ron votes to protect civil liberties.
Ron votes to secure our borders with real immigration reform.
Ron votes to eliminate tax funded abortions and to overturn Roe v Wade.
Ron votes to protect religious freedom.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

we keep on falling down, you see we're falling down, so fucking pick me up

today my parents dragged me to get a family picture taken, which i tried very hard not to complain about because my parents are getting old and need these things so they don't go crazy or die of a broken heart because i don't know how to smile around them. my father made me wear a turtle neck, which bummed me out additionally.
the lady taking our picture kept telling me not to be so stoic, it would be over soon, but mostly just kept commenting on what a serious person i am, which threw me off because i was faking happiness as best i could (which i am usually very good at). i don't know what got her going, but she started babbling about how she graduated from the same school i'm going to, late in life, and with 4 kids...and how she almost didn't graduate because her mother died during finals week of her last semester and her own 19 year old daughter had 3 kids and all of this crazy shit. she told me not to give up. my mother smiled and kept saying "aw, good for you".
the picture turned out pretty sucky, as we are not a photogenic family: we have round heads which make dramatic cheek bone angles hard to pull off, especially when you're wearing a fucking turtle neck.
my father bought me some clothes, which i didn't want him to because i knew i wouldn't seem grateful enough, which i didn't. we went home, i am still grumpy, and i have been trying to study for finals for the past 7 hours but instead have been staring at the wall. i don't know why i get like this during the holidays, but i constantly feel like i could explode. not into rage, mind you, just. i don't know. boom.
how did she know i gave up?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

time to get gas, mayhaps

lesson of the week: if somebody offers you "medicine" used by people suffering heroin withdrawal, do NOT snort 3 - 4 lines of it.

unless you want to be really skinny the day after.